New York Spine Institute Spine Services

Cervical Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injection

What Is a Cervical ESI?

A cervical epidural steroid injection involves a patient receiving an anti-inflammatory — typically a steroid or corticosteroid — injection in the epidural space. This area is the space between the dura mater — the membrane beneath the skull and vertebral column — and the tissues lining the vertebral canal.

Many people who experience cervical radiculopathy or pain in the spinal cord report severe discomfort from chronic pain that radiates from the neck to the shoulders, arms or hands. Healthcare providers may recommend cervical interlaminar ESI to help alleviate or manage pain.

How Does a Cervical ESI Work?

Cervical interlaminar epidural injection is a minimally invasive procedure that helps alleviate cervical spine inflammation or irritation. The provider uses a small needle to numb the area prior to the injection before injecting the epidural with a larger needle.

The procedure typically takes about five to 15 minutes, after which a 20-minute observation is necessary before the patient is cleared for discharge. The local anesthetic can cause numbness, while soreness in the neck, shoulder or arm may begin once the steroid takes effect. Depending on the patient, pain relief from the epidural injection may last several days to a few months or longer.

Uses of Cervical Neck Epidural Injections

Cervical epidural injections are an effective treatment for cervical radiculopathy. They can also address a pinched nerve that stems from a herniated disc or arthritis. These conditions commonly often present with:

  • Pain in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensation

The symptoms of pinched nerve or cervical radiculopathy may vary, and it’s always advisable to consult a specialist to determine whether a cervical epidural injection is recommended. New York Spine Institute offers comprehensive diagnostic services for patients with spinal concerns.

Why Trust New York Spine Institute for Cervical Interlaminar ESI?

New York Spine Institute specializes in cervical interlaminar ESI and other treatments for spine and orthopedic concerns in the tri-state area.

Quality Care

We provide specialized care to patients, creating treatment programs tailored to their unique conditions and needs. Our specialists incorporate moderate physical therapy, pain control, and spinal surgeries as necessary.

Industry Leaders

Our medical director, Alexandre B. de Moura, MD and FAAOS, leads our operations. Our in-house spine specialists have years of experience and expertise in treating complex spine disorders.

Multiple Languages

We provide neck and back pain treatments to patients from all over the world. Our professionals speak multiple languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German and Russian, ensuring we can cater to the needs of the patients without language barriers.

Doctor showing patient x-ray results

Visit New York Spine Institute for Cervical Neck Epidural Injections

Manage chronic pain safely and effectively with the help of specialists at New York Spine Institute. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your concerns and begin treatment with cervical epidural steroid injections.

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