New York Spine Institute Spine Services

Cervical Facet Syndrome

Understanding Cervical Facet Syndrome

Cervical facet syndrome is characterized by pain and dysfunction in the spine. It happens when the small joints at the back of the spine responsible for stability and neck movement become damaged or irritated. Cervical facet joint syndrome typically presents with chronic neck pain and a restricted range of motion.

Facet joint syndrome is a progressive disease often related to various degenerative conditions, such as cervical facet arthropathy and facet hypertrophy in the cervical spine. Cervical facet arthropathy is sometimes referred to as cervical facet joint syndrome because it refers to the degeneration of facet joints. Facet hypertrophy, meanwhile, refers to the enlargement of the facet joints due to degenerative changes and may be an underlying cause of facet joint syndrome.

Common Symptoms of Cervical Facet Syndrome

Correctly identifying cervical facet syndrome requires a thorough spine examination through diagnostic imaging. These results reveal the compromised joint’s location and help specialists determine the problem’s severity. If you’re experiencing chronic pain or difficulty moving your neck, watch for these common cervical facet joint pain symptoms:

  • Neck pain radiating to the shoulders and upper back
  • Headaches, commonly at the back of the head
  • Neck stiffness and reduced range of motion
  • Tenderness in the affected area
  • Pain that worsens with certain movements or positions, such as looking upward or twisting

Treatment Options for Cervical Facet Syndrome

Treatment for cervical facet syndrome depends on the severity, but it may start with conservative measures, such as anti-inflammatory medications, a home exercise program or physical therapy. If these treatment plans don’t work, a specialist might recommend interventional procedures, such as:

  • Facet joint injections to reduce inflammation
  • Radiofrequency ablation to temporarily prevent the sensory nerve from causing pain
  • Regenerative medicine techniques to offer repeated treatments based on how often the pain returns

To ensure you’re getting the right treatment for your condition, consult a specialist at New York Spine Institute.

Why Trust New York Spine Institute for Cervical Facet Syndrome Treatment?

New York Spine Institute is a trusted healthcare provider for various neck and spine conditions. Guided by the leadership of Alexandre B. de Moura, MD and FAAOS, our medical director, we provide patients with excellent, tailored care and specialized treatment. Here’s what you can expect from our specialists:

Quality Care

We recommend and perform procedures that have been proven to be effective, incorporating pain control and modern physical therapy where possible. We consider when spinal surgeries are necessary for patient recovery and well-being.

Industry Leaders

Our team of neck and spine specialists is among the best in their respective fields. We are industry leaders in treating complex spine disorders, leveraging our collective experience and expertise to benefit our patients.

Multiple Languages

We keep our services accessible to many with a team of neck and spine specialists who speak several languages. Our professional staff can provide comprehensive care to patients in Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, and Russian.

Doctor showing patient x-ray results

Get Your Personalized Treatment Plan at New York Spine Institute

Treating cervical facet syndrome requires your doctor’s full understanding of your condition. Get a comprehensive diagnosis and specialized treatment plan from our New York Spine Institute specialists. Schedule an appointment today.

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