New York Spine Institute Spine Services


New York City & Long Island’s Top Doctors For Osteoporosis

New York Spine Institute is dedicated in providing our patients with exceptional care and surgical treatments to manage osteoporosis. Visit one of our various offices across greater New York City, we are here to promote your recovery and overall well being.

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become brittle or weak over time. As the disease progresses, individuals are at a higher risk of bone breakages and fractures during a fall or minor hit.  There are often no symptoms or outward signs pointing to a person suffering from Osteoporosis. A person may not know they have the disease until they experience a fracture after a minor incident, such as a fall, or even a cough or sneeze. At the New York City Spine Institute, each of our specialists has expertise in the latest diagnostics, medical treatments and advanced technologies in nearly every pain related condition. We offer various treatment options to best fit your osteoporosis.*

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Why Choose New York Spine Institute 

Quality Care

At NYSI you will receive personalized care specific to your diagnosis. Our experienced doctors are equipped in supplying you with high quality care and proper treatment options to manage painful symptoms.

Industry Leaders

Under the guided leadership of our medical director, Alexandre B. de Moura, M.D. FAAOS. The spine doctors at NYSI are industry leaders in various neck and spine disorders and will provide our patients with the appropriate treatment options.

Multiple Languages

At NYSI, our professional staff speaks various languages to accommodate our various patients. Our languages include Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, and Russian. It is our pleasure to serve all of our patients needs.

Understanding the Causes Of Your Osteoporosis

How likely you are to develop osteoporosis depends partly on how much bone mass you attained in your youth. Commonly affected areas are the hip, wrist, or spinal vertebrae. Damage to the spine can create a curved spine and changes in your posture.The bone loss due to Osteoporosis develops slowly, an individual may not know they are a sufferer until they experience a fracture or break. There’s various risk factors dealing with this disease, some are modifiable, others cannot be avoided. Some unchangeable risk factors include:

*Age (50 years and older)
*Sex (Women are more likely than men)
*Genetics(bone structure,, ethnicity)
*Hormone Levels
*Dietary Factors (low calcium intake, eating disorders)
*Steroids and Other Medications (Seizures, cancer, Gastric Reflux)
*Current or Previous Medical Conditions (Celiac disease,Inflammatory bowel disease,Kidney or liver disease, Rheumatoid arthritis)

Some of the best ways to modify your risk factors are to be active, moving around, or even weight lifting can promote bone regeneration. Changing your diet by increasing Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D can help maintain bone mass. Also, decreasing alcohol and tobacco intake can manage symptoms.

For people who already have Osteoporosis, nutrition, exercise, and fall prevention play a key role in reducing risks and bone loss. However, not all cases of Osteoporosis can be managed through these daily modifications. At NYSI, to manage symptoms, we offer prescriptions, physical therapy treatment, Imaging services, and minimally invasive surgeries. *

Diagnosing Your Osteoporosis 

Men and women over the age of 50 are at a much higher risk of Osteoporosis. This disease doesn’t have obvious symptoms, however, as you get older, or are suspect, it’s important to at least schedule an appointment with one of our NYSI certified doctors to see if any risk factors apply to you. *

People can suffer from Osteoporosis without showing any signs or symptoms. Since this is a disease that can be prevented and treated it’s important you set up a consultation to protect you bones and overall health. Through our imaging services, you can receive a BMD which test the density of your bones, it is safe, painless, and provides both you and your doctor with information about your bones and to make a diagnosis.

Treatment Options For Osteoporosis

Through making positive lifestyle changes and by following appropriate treatment options, a person can manage osteoporosis. However, it’s important you make a consultation with one of our doctors so you can prevent negative side effects. Through our imaging services we can identify bone fractures, and through low radiation x-rays we can read bone density. These tests can also determine if there are any underlying causes generating bone loss.

To proceed with treatment your doctor will review you medical history, perform a physical examination, and proceed with laboratory tests. Treatment options vary person to person based on various risk factors. Make a consultation with our doctors to see where you stand and improve the quality of your life.

*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary by patient and condition. New York Spine Institute does not guarantee certain results.

Animated x-ray image of human back

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