New York Spine Institute Spine Services


Arthritis Pain Specialists NYC New York City & Long Island’s Top Doctors For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. This form occurs when the cartilage between your bones begins to wear down over time.

The professional team at New York Spine Institute is dedicated in providing high-quality services and individualized treatment plans for patients suffering from Osteoarthritis. Our experienced professionals are equipped to help you manage your pain and symptoms.  We have offices located throughout Greater New York City, Long Island, White Plains and Newburgh, NY. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Why Choose NYSI

Quality Care

Our professional team at NYSI is dedicated to creating a positive relationship with our patients while offering high-quality care and treatment options.

Industry Leaders

Led by Alexandre B. de Moura, M.D., FAAOS, the NYSI is serviced by various professionals equipped to solve your Osteoarthritis issues.

Multiple Languages

At the NYSI we pride ourselves on being able to serve our patients. Our professional staff speaks a mixture of languages including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, & Russian.

Understanding The Causes Of  Your Osteoarthritis

Many of the causes of osteoarthritis are out of your control. But you can make lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of developing the degenerative disease. Some risk factors of this disease include:

*Morning joint stiffness, aching pain, tender joints, limited range of motion. The disease is most common in people 65 years and older however, it can present itself in young people, typically from physical trauma.

*You’re more likely to suffer from Osteoarthritis if your parents and grandparents had the disease. Genetics plays a huge role.

*Women are more likely than men to suffer from the disease.

*Sports injuries such as joint injuries, torn cartilage, or ACL injuries. These types of injuries can increase risk of developing Osteoarthritis down the road.  

*Individuals who suffer from bleeding disorders such as hemophilia which involves bleeding near a joint can cause osteoarthritis to become worse or new symptoms to develop.

If you think you may have a form of arthritis or if your family suffers from Osteoarthritis, contact the NYSI arthritis pain specialists in NYC as soon as possible for your free consultation. Early diagnosis is especially important. 

Diagnosing Your Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a general medical umbrella term for any chronic condition that causes damage to an individual’s cartilage and joints. With osteoarthritis, joint damage is caused by natural wear and tear over time. With arthritis symptoms generally include joint pain, stiffness, and tenderness. Osteoarthritis a form of Arthritis has symptoms that often show themselves in the morning or after an extended period of inactivity. Osteoarthritis is a chronic and progressive medical condition. Most people find that their symptoms increase over time. However, with the proper treatments and approaches patients can ease their symptoms and continuing to participate in daily activities.

Our main priority is to treat each patient with individualized care and comfort. We provide a relaxing and calming environment with choice of music, earplugs and sleeping mask to make you feel at home. The NYSI’s imaging services can provide you with an MRI, CT Scan, or even an Ultrasound since they are more sensitive for the detection of early osteoarthritis.

Angel Macagno, M.D.

Cervical, Lumbar, Adult & Pediatric Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity Specialist

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Treatment Options For Osteoarthritis

Treatment options for Osteoarthritis vary person to person. Depending on the severity of your symptoms , treatment such as stretching, weight management, pain medications and physical activity can benefit some people. At New York Spine Institute we offer physical therapy. Patients are taught proper body mechanics, postural awareness and home exercise programs to provide maintenance of their current condition and to avoid exacerbations in the future. In some cases Joint surgery can repair or replace severely damaged joints, most commonly hips or knees. Make your free consultation today with one of our premier osteoarthritis doctors.

*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary by patient and condition. New York Spine Institute does not guarantee certain results.

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