New York Spine Institute Spine Services

Adult Scoliosis


Scoliosis is a condition which is typically diagnosed during growth in childhood or adolescence (pediatric scoliosis). When it begins or is found after puberty, it is called “adult scoliosis” because the curve is discovered after complete skeletal growth.

Board-certified physicians ready and qualified to treat all spine-related conditions are who make up our team at New York Spine Institute. Through diagnosis, they can understand and personalize a treatment plan for every patient in order to provide the highest level of excellence.

New York Spine Institute is supplied to provide our patients with excellent care and treatment for adult scoliosis. Our team here wants to help with your recovery process every step of the way. Feel free to visit us at one of our many locations all across the greater New York City area.

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Why Choose New York Spine Institute


Based upon your specific diagnosis, our experienced doctors here at NYSI are prepared to give you personalized and high quality care. All of this is done in order to make sure that you are aware of your proper treatment options.


With decades of experience, the professional staff at NYSI is headed by Alexandre B. de Moura, M.D., FAAOS. The spine doctors at NYSI are industry leaders in various disorders and offer individualized treatment plans.


Our professional staff here at NYSI speak a variety of languages in order to better communicate with our patients. The languages we speak are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Russian. Our team is ready and looking forward to help serve the needs of our patients always.

Understanding The Causes Of  Your Adult Scoliosis

The most common form of adult scoliosis is “degenerative.” Adult scoliosis may be a case of pediatric scoliosis that was undiscovered until adulthood. But in most cases the changes in the spine may be due to aging. In some cases adolescent scoliosis may develop symptoms with aging and require treatment.

Degenerative scoliosis begins after the age of 40. In older patients, particularly women, it is also often related to osteoporosis. Most cases of scoliosis are mild and don’t need treatment. In adults the degree of the spinal curve does not determine treatment. Treatment is geared towards relieving symptoms, not fixing the curve.

Diagnosing Your Adult Scoliosis

Scoliosis is diagnosed when the curve exceeds 10 degrees. However, by the time adults seek treatment, the curve usually exceeds 30 degrees.In order to diagnose you, you will receive a physical exam. During the exam, the provider will try to get an understanding of the curve in your back and how it is affecting you. To get a clearer picture, one of our physicians will go over your medical history to better help your condition. 

The provider may ask about the following:

  • Family History – Scoliosis tends to run in families, so it may have a genetic cause. Your provider will want to know if anyone else in your family has the problem.
  • Date of Onset – When did you first notice the appearance of your spinal condition?
  • Do you experience any pain? 
  • Has there been any changes in which your body is moving? Bowel movements, motor skills. 

When an adult is diagnosed with scoliosis, treatment is based on the severity of symptoms. If scoliosis is not causing any symptoms, treatment is not necessary. When symptoms become bothersome or limiting, then treatment is recommended.

Treatment Options For Adult Scoliosis

Following your checkup, an X-ray will be ordered in order to allow the provider to see the structure of the spine and measure the curve. 

Depending on the results of your medical history, physical examination, and any other initial x-rays you may have received, there may be other tests for your specific condition. The most common tests that are ordered are: the MRI scan – to look at the nerves and spinal cord. To check the vertical bones as well as any pinched or irritated nerves your doctor may order a CAT scan.  

Whenever possible, scoliosis in adults is treated non-operatively. Many patients experience significant relief of their pain from measures that may include:

  • Pain medication such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Physical therapy to increase core muscle strength.
  • Postural training.
  • Weight maintenance.
  • Activity modification.

If pain persists despite non-invasive options, talk to your doctor about steroid injections and how they may benefit you.

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*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary by patient and condition. New York Spine Institute does not guarantee certain results.

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