New York Spine Institute Spine Services

How to Choose a Mattress for Back Pain

How to Choose a Mattress for Back Pain

By: John Ventrudo, M.D.

Dr. Ventrudo joined New York Spine Institute in 2018 as a Pain Management Specialist performing interventional procedures and the medical management of pain. He is also a certified acupuncturist and has extensive experience in treating sports and spine-related injuries. As an interventional pain medicine physician, Dr. Ventrudo takes a multidisciplinary approach to provide a full range of treatments and services to patients suffering from chronic or acute pain.

Waking up with an achy back after a restless night’s sleep can negatively impact your mood and overall health. If you think your mattress is causing your ongoing discomfort, it’s time to buy a new one. Discover factors to consider when choosing a mattress for back pain and when to see a doctor. 

Can a Mattress Cause Back Pain?

Although back pain can have various causes ranging from strenuous activity to joint problems, here are some signs that your mattress might be contributing to your discomfort:

  • You wake up experiencing pain. 
  • Your pain subsides once you get up. 
  • You find it challenging to get into a comfortable position. 
  • You feel like you’re sinking into your bed, making sitting upright or getting up tricky. 
  • You feel like you could easily roll off your bed. 
  • Your mattress has lumps.
  • You feel like you’re sleeping on a wooden plank. 

When sleeping, your spine should be in a neutral position so its natural curves are maintained throughout the night. If your spine is misaligned while you sleep, this could be why your bed is making your back hurt, leading to stiffness and muscle pains in the morning.

A mattress that is too soft doesn’t offer enough support for your spine. On the other hand, one that is too firm can cause you to sleep in an unnatural position and put pressure on your joints, such as your hips and shoulders. Additionally, if your mattress is so hard that it creates gaps beneath your lumbar area, it won’t support your back. 

Should You Choose a Hard or Soft Mattress for Back Pain?

You should choose a medium-firm mattress. While it’s a common belief that hard mattresses are recommended for a bad back, recent research shows that medium-firm surfaces are ideal for sleep quality, comfort and spinal alignment. As a result, these mattresses can prevent back pain and may improve aches or other painful sensations. 

Although medium-firm mattresses are preferable over ones that are too hard or soft, the ideal firmness varies for each individual. For example, if you have wide hips, you may need a mattress with more give to help keep your spine in the correct alignment — a slightly softer surface can be optimal. Yet, you may benefit from a firmer option if you have narrow hips.  

Your sleep position can also determine the best mattress:

  • Back: If you sleep on your back, a medium-firm mattress can support your lower back and pelvis and maintain your body’s natural curves. 
  • Side: If you sleep on your side, a softer mattress can offer adequate contouring to keep your spine aligned and reduce pressure on your hips and shoulders. 
  • Stomach: If you sleep on your stomach, a slightly harder mattress can offer superior support to the lumbar region, helping prevent your lower back from sinking and relieving spinal strain. 

What Type of Mattress Is Best for Back Problems?

When choosing a mattress for back pain, the type of mattress is another factor to consider. 


Innerspring mattresses are the most traditional type. They are made with a layer of metal coils to provide support and a thin layer of materials such as foam, latex or natural fibers for comfort. These supportive mattresses are ideal for back and stomach sleepers or those who experience pain in their lumbar spine. 

However, innerspring models aren’t the best choice for alleviating joint pressure. They also tend to wear out much quicker than their memory foam counterparts. 


These mattresses are often made from various foam materials, such as polyurethane and memory foam, and usually feature several layers of different densities. They are recommended for people who are prone to joint pain or sleep on their sides.

Unfortunately, some foam models trap body heat, preventing you from falling asleep and causing you to wake up throughout the night. Additionally, they may have less sturdy edges than innerspring and hybrid mattresses, which can make you feel like you are falling off your bed or sinking into it. 


Hybrid mattresses have layers of both foam and coils. As a result, they are great for those who want the benefits of innerspring and foam mattresses or for couples with varying firmness requirements.

While hybrid models are softer than those made with springs, you likely won’t experience the sinking feeling you might get with an all-foam option. Hybrid mattresses can also relieve joint pressure while still providing excellent back support. 

Tips for Choosing a Mattress for Back Pain

Follow these tips to select a mattress that offers adequate support, relieves joint pressure, meets your comfort requirements and is suited to your sleeping position: 

  • Ask your medical provider: Speak to your doctor or physical therapist about your symptoms or concerns. Based on your medical history and diagnosis, they’ll recommend a mattress that they think would be beneficial. Choosing a doctor-recommended bed for back pain can effectively ensure the correct spinal alignment while you sleep, reducing aches and pains. 
  • Just buy a mattress: While you should carefully consider factors such as firmness and mattress type, don’t delay the purchase for too long. If you’ve had the same mattress for over nine years, a timely replacement can help you achieve a better night’s rest and reduce discomfort. Old mattresses can contribute to back pain as they cannot offer the necessary support, so virtually any new model will be an improvement. 
  • Test your mattress properly: More companies are allowing customers to test mattresses for up to 100 days, offering a refund if they aren’t satisfied. Choose a model with a money-back guarantee and try it out for about a month to determine whether it’s improving your back pain and sleep quality. If not, return it and continue your search. 

When to Seek Professional Help

If you have purchased a new mattress and your pain doesn’t improve, there could be a much deeper issue, such as chronic back pain. A medical professional can diagnose the cause of your discomfort and recommend treatments such as muscle relaxants, topical pain relievers or physical therapy techniques like electrical stimulation.  

Additionally, if you experience any of the following symptoms, your mattress might not be the cause of your ongoing back problems — in this case, contact your health care provider immediately: 

  • Your pain spreads to other areas: If your back pain is severe and has extended to other parts of your body, such as shooting pains in your leg, this could indicate sciatica. This condition typically results from a herniated disc
  • You have numbness or tingling sensations: Back problems accompanied by tingling or numbness might be a symptom of nerve damage or irritation, especially if your pain continues despite taking over-the-counter (OTC) medication. 
  • You experience pain following an accident: If you’ve recently been in a slip-and-fall accident or a car accident, your pain could be linked to a serious issue such as a spinal injury or soft tissue damage. 
  • You notice sudden weight loss: If you are experiencing back pain and unexplained weight loss, this could be a sign of a tumor or an infection. Although the chance of developing a malignant spinal tumor is less than 1%, it’s always advisable to see your doctor to rule out these severe conditions. 
  • You have a fever: Along with achiness in your back, a fever could mean you have the flu. Yet, if your fever persists or keeps returning for 14 days and is unresponsive to OTC medication, it could indicate a serious infection that needs immediate attention. 

Alleviate Your Back Pain With New York Spine Institute

Whether you want to manage your back pain with mattresses recommended by a medical expert or are experiencing additional symptoms that require diagnosis, New York Spine Institute is here to help. We specialize in various orthopedic services, including diagnosticsphysical therapy and pain management

Regardless of the cause of your back problems, you shouldn’t have to endure pain. To schedule an appointment and learn more about how our team of medical experts can help, contact us today