New York Spine Institute Spine Services

Complex Revisions For Failed Back Surgery


Complex Revision Spine Surgery refers to any surgical procedure that is used to correct a failed neck or back surgery. By failed, we mean that the original surgery did not produce the intended results. Patients who seek this help have usually seen positive results.*

Board-certified physicians ready and qualified to treat all spine-related conditions are who make up our team at New York Spine Institute. Through diagnosis, they can understand and personalize a treatment plan for every failed back surgery patient in order to provide the highest level of excellence.

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Why Choose New York Spine Institute

Quality Care

Based upon your specific diagnosis, our experienced doctors here at NYSI, are prepared to give you personalized and high quality. All of this is done in order to make sure that you are aware of your proper treatment options.

Industry Leaders

With decades of experience, the professional staff at NYSI is headed by Alexandre B. de Moura, M.D., FAAOS. The spine doctors at NYSI are industry leaders in various disorders and offer individualized treatment plans.

Multiple Languages

Our professional staff here at NYSI speak a variety of languages including: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Russian. Our team is ready and looking forward to help serve the needs of our patients always.


You may need revision spinal surgery if you experience any of the following symptoms after spine surgery:

  • Chronic pain in the affected area (above or below the fusion site)
  • New pain that was not present before the surgery
  • Signs of nerve pain, including radiating pain that travels into the limbs
  • Slow healing or redness at the surgical site
  • You have moved or broken spinal instrumentation that threatens to damage nerve and/or vascular structures.
  • You have a spinal infection.

If this sounds like you, and milder treatment options have failed to deliver results, you may need complex revision spine surgery.

If your first procedure didn’t work, undergoing a second surgical procedure probably doesn’t sound exciting. However, advances in spine surgery tools and technology have paved the way for minimally invasive surgical techniques.

As a last resort, your doctor will suggest complex spinal revisions for a failed back surgery. Candidates for a procedure include patients suffering from chronic pain or joint stiffness. In addition, interested patients will have tried at least six months of mild treatments before choosing surgery. One of our doctors will do a physical examinations as well as a combination of various x-rays to get the best full picture. 

Treatment Options For Multilevel Back Revision

In most cases, your doctor will have you try several non-surgical treatments to treat your symptoms related to FBS before discussing the option of a revision back surgery—that is, if spine surgery is reasonable and appropriate. 

When you have a clear understanding of your spine procedure, you will feel more confident in your decision to undergo a revision surgery after failed back surgery (FBS). Knowing the risks and benefits as they relate to you will help you make a decision that supports your best interests.

Depending on the severity of your case, your treatment options vary. Consult with your doctor in order to review the best plan of action.


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